So You Want to Make a Digital Humanities Website
Part Six: Gathering Resources
Part One / Part Two / Part Three / Part Four / Part Five / Part Six
Throughout the process of building Visualizing Abolition I collected a variety of resources and tutorials that helped me in making a website of this type with all of its associated components, i.e. the plugin that produces the database and visualizations. To make your journey a bit easier, I’ve put them all in one place. But this doesn’t mean you should stop here. The biggest skill I learned during the production of this site was googling my heart out. So explore the almost limitless resources and help people are glad to share with you freely.
- Atom: Free, open-source, text editor that is scalable and intuitive. I cannot recommend Atom enough.
- InstantWordpress: An all-in-one free program for testing your project offline.
Writing and Publishing
- A Markdown Cheatsheet
- Sustainable Authorship: An introduction to Pandoc, Markdown, and plain text publication. This provides a more scholarly perspective to work with Markdown.
- Stackedit: An online markdown editor. *
Other Tutorials
- Intro to the Command Line: This is particularly important if you want to run Jekyll locally, but also a great thing to know in general when embarking as a programmer of any level.
- Layers is the WordPress theme Visualizing Abolition was built on. It has amazing associated documentation that makes expanding and manipulating the look and feel of the site that much easier.
- Scripto was mentioned earlier when discussing Omeka. However, it can be also be used through WordPress and Drupal.
SSG Resources
- Contentful: a step above SSGs, combines the simplicity and speed of a static site generator with the collaborative dashboard of a CMS based builder like WordPress.
- Ghost and Cockpit: open source platforms that bridge the gap between CMS and SSGs.
- Building CMS Free Websites and Using a SSG at Scale: great articles on the ins and outs of building CMS free, especially at larger scales.
Extend and Collaborate
- Pelagios Commons: Pelagios Commons provides online resources and a community forum for using open data methods to link and explore historical places
Github: The top site for exploring and collaborating on code.
All Sample Sites
- Renewing Inequality: Urban Renewal, Family Displacements, and Race 1955-1966
- Illuminating Livingstone
- In the Spotlight
- What America Ate: Preserving America’s Culinary History from the Great Depression
- To be continued . . . The Australian Newspaper Fiction Database
- Quiapography
- Chirila